Report On the violations of Human Rights in the zone of armed conflict in Luhansk region. Popasna raion

Yuriy Aseev, Yana Smelyanska, Anastasia Yegorova
Report On the violations of Human Rights in the zone of armed conflict in Luhansk region. Popasna raion / Yuriy Aseev, Yana Smelyanska, Anastasia Yegorova; CO Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group. — Kharkiv: LLB “Human Rights Publisher”, 2018. — 96 p.
ISBN 978-617-7391-30-1
The Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group, jointly with other non-governmental organizations, members of the Coalition “Justice for Peace in the Donbass”, conducts monitoring visits to settlements located nearby the line of demarcation, in order to identify and document the most serious violations of human rights: extrajudicial executions, torture, enforced disappearances, illegal imprisonment, destruction of residential buildings, infrastructure, death of civilian due to the military conflict and so on.
The reader is offered a description of the human rights situation in Popasna and nearby settlements.

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