Sixth Periodic Report of Ukraine on Implementation of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment

Sixth Periodic Report of Ukraine on Implementation of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment / Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group. — Kharkiv: Prava ludyny, 2013. — 144 p.

ISBN 978-617-587-113-3.

In 2013, the UN Committee against Torture (hereinafter — the Committee) should have considered the Sixth Periodic Report of Ukraine on implementation of the provisions of the UN Convention against Torture. We recall that the previous Fifth Periodic Report of Ukraine was considered by the Committee in May 2007 and the periodic reports are provided once in four years.
This draft was prepared ahead of many important amendments in legislation and practice which took place in 2012–2013. It is logical to assume that the Government is preparing a new version of the Sixth Periodic Report, and apparently the postponement of its consideration by the Committee in 2014 is connected with this.

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