Права Людини
Харківська правозахисна група
More than 2.5 years have passed since the start of the Russian Federation’s aggression on the territory of Donbas and the beginning of an armed conflict. The Russian aggression led to the establishment of the self-proclaimed Luhansk People’s Republic (“LNR”) and Donetsk People’s Republic (“DNR”). The quasi-states of LNR and DNR have already created their quasi-regulatory frameworks.
The territory not controlled by Ukraine is currently home to a large number of Ukrainian citizens. Those citizens are the same as the citizens of Ukraine living in the controlled territories. Yet the inhabitants of the DNR and LNR cannot disobey the quasi-regulatory framework applicable on the territory of the DNR and LNR, as they would face repressions. Therefore, although all regulatory acts of the two quasi-states are illegal, it is irrelevant from a practical point of view for people living in the territory not controlled by Ukraine.
Since there are no prospects for an early end to the occupation of Donbas territories, it is necessary to examine the social reality that has emerged in the LNR and the DNR and, in particular, the human rights situation, both at the normative level and in practice. What continues to be an important task is further information search and documentation of extraordinary human rights violations which took place in the years 2014-2015 (arbitrary executions, enforced disappearances, torture, unlawful imprisonment and detention, etc.).
Justice for peace in Donbas KhPG HR violations in DNR and LNR Justice for peace in Donbas KhPG HR violations in DNR and LNR Justice for peace in Donbas KhPG HR violations in DNR and LNR (pdf-file)
The territory not controlled by Ukraine is currently home to a large number of Ukrainian citizens. Those citizens are the same as the citizens of Ukraine living in the controlled territories. Yet the inhabitants of the DNR and LNR cannot disobey the quasi-regulatory framework applicable on the territory of the DNR and LNR, as they would face repressions. Therefore, although all regulatory acts of the two quasi-states are illegal, it is irrelevant from a practical point of view for people living in the territory not controlled by Ukraine.
Since there are no prospects for an early end to the occupation of Donbas territories, it is necessary to examine the social reality that has emerged in the LNR and the DNR and, in particular, the human rights situation, both at the normative level and in practice. What continues to be an important task is further information search and documentation of extraordinary human rights violations which took place in the years 2014-2015 (arbitrary executions, enforced disappearances, torture, unlawful imprisonment and detention, etc.).
Justice for peace in Donbas KhPG HR violations in DNR and LNR Justice for peace in Donbas KhPG HR violations in DNR and LNR Justice for peace in Donbas KhPG HR violations in DNR and LNR (pdf-file)

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